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TailorTool Project - 7 PM

Development of New Tool Materials with Tailored Thermomechanical Properties

Welcome to TailorTool Website

TailorTool_72dpi.jpgTailorTool, “Development of New Tool Materials with Tailored Thermomechanical Properties” is a 3 years project, financed by the European Union. The main objective of this project is the development of a new generation of materials with graded thermomechanical properties (i.e. Functionally Graded Materials, FGM), specially tailored to enhance tool performance in forming processes with severe thermomechanical requirements.FOTO

TailorTool has been conceived to give response to the limited use of Ultra High Strength Steels (UHSS) in structural components in the automotive industry. These materials combine excellent mechanical properties maintaining a good toughness, which allows a reduction in component thickness, and thus weight in body vehicle without reducing strength, and demonstrating excellent crash performance. However, their use is mainly limited by the fact that tools used during the forming operations of these steels, are submitted to severe thermomechanical solicitations which dramatically reduce the tool life.

In order to solve this problem, and there forth, significantly improve the tool life as well as process efficiency, in conjunction with the possibility of hot forming components with mechanical properties that gradually change their properties (toughness, tensile strength,…) thanks to a gradual variation of the thermal conductivity in tools, two families of FGM materials will be develop:

  • Materials with a gradual variation of the thermal conductivity for the dies used in hot stamping and High Pressure Die Casting of Aluminium and Magnesium
  • Materials with a optimized and gradual variation of their microstructure, for the dies of cold forming and hot die forging

Thus, the development of a new generation of tool materials is the key for the optimization of forming processes with severe thermomechanical solicitations acting on tools, aimed at obtaining components with higher mechanical performance. Moreover, new tool materials will help to further develop existing forming processes whose applicability is hampered by tooling performance.

TailorTool is lidered by CTM Centre Tecnològic (Spain) with the participation of the following, companies, research centres and universities: Rovalma, S.A. (Spain), Volkswagen AG (Germany), ARMINES (France), Technische Universität München (Germany), Metakus UniKassel Transfer GmbH (Germany), OC Oerlikon Balzers AG (Liechtenstein), Gestamp HardTech (Sweden), Lulea University of Technology (Sweden), Fundación Inasmet (Spain) and Fundación Labein (Spain).

01. CTM          02. ROV          03. VW          04. ARM          05. TUM - UTG      

      07. OER          08. GES               09. LTU               10. 11. TECNALIA